Character Creation

Creating a character in Highwinds breaks down into these steps:

  1. Character Concept
  2. Base Stats
  3. Trait
  4. Skills
  5. Talents
  6. Power Stats
  7. Equipment Points

Character Concept

The first step of character creation in Highwinds is to come up with a character concept. Your character is a space opera hero, capable of great deeds, and about to go on great adventures. And that last part is important - make sure your character has some reason to get along with the characters of other players, and some reason to travel with and go on adventures with them.

For ideas, a list of example characters are provided in this chapter. These characters are examples of archetypes you could use for ideas, or ready made characters you can just immediately grab and play.

Base Stats

Each character has a number of Base Stats, that tie into basic combat functions. PCs start with base stats that are higher than most other characters in the world. The base stats, and their starting values are.

Accuracy (Acc):Accuracy determines how easily a character can successfully land attacks. PCs start with a base accuracy of +5.
Dodge (Dge):Dodge determines how easily a character avoids attacks. PCs start with a base dodge of 14.
Initiative (Init):Initiative determines how soon and how often a character can act. PCs start with a base initiative of +6.
Toughness (Tgh):Toughness reduces the damage a character takes. PCs start with a base toughness of 3.


Skills are things your character has the experience, knowledge, or physical fitness to do. They are measured by Skill Bonuses, which reflect how much training they have in the skill. At character creation, choose 1 skill to be an expert in; you have a +10 bonus to this skill. Then choose 4 skills to be trained in; you have a +7 bonus to these skills. Then choose 4 skills to be familiar with; you have a +4 bonus to these skills.

The Skills are as follows:

Arcana:Theoretical knowledge of magic and psionics.
Athletics:Physical strength and endurance.
Acrobatics:Nimbleness and agility.
Charm:Getting others to like you.
Command:Getting others to follow your orders.
Computers:Using and hacking computer systems.
Deceit:Telling lies and fooling others.
Mechanics:Creation, repair, and sabotage of machines.
Medicine:Treating and examining wounds and illnesses.
Perception:Noticing or finding out of place things.
Pilot:Driving any sort of craft or vehicle and maintaining them.
Research:Knowing how to acquire information.
Stealth:Staying hidden and being unnoticed.
Survival:Making your way in the wild and surviving on your own.


Talents are a character's combat training, and come in three categories. Martial talents represent a character's skill with swords, guns, and other physical weapons. Magical talents represent a character's magical training and knowledge. Psionic talents represent a character's psionic skill. Each type of talent is described in its own chapter.

A starting character gains five talents of their choice from any of the categories. Talents also give a character Power Stats and Equipment Points, as described below.

Power Stats

When selecting Talents, a character might gain different stats based off of their talent selection. Known as Power Stats, these are used to activate the powers that a character can get from talents. Characters start with 0 in all of these stats, and only gain them if their talents say to.

Energy is granted by Magical Talents, and determines a character's magical power. The most powerful spells drain a character's energy, and when that is spent, begin to injure the character. Energy is recovered to full when the character enjoys a full night's rest.

Focus is granted by some Martial Talents, determining a character's fighting spirit. Focus is used to power special attacks using swords, guns, and other weapons which have a listed Focus cost. A character's Focus is restored every round, whenever initiative is rolled.

Willpower is granted by Psionics Talents, and determines a character's psionic power. Willpower is used to help resist the stress and strain of using psychic, and does not decrease and is not spent.

Equipment Points

Weapons and other equipment cost equipment points to purchase - any items bought with equipment points are things the character is assumed to always have on-hand (or easily on-hand, tucked away on their ship or at home), and can easily replace through spares, buying extra, having the right contacts, or making their own. Items purchased with equipment points are never lost permanently. Characters begin with three equipment points but can gain additional points through talent choices.

Example Archetypes

The following are example characters made using the character creation rules just presented. These characters are ready to play with just a name and a few quick background choices - or, you can customize them by swapping around equipment, talents, and skills. The characters also provide a good example of what’s expected of a PC in Highwinds, in terms of scope and ability.

You can find character sheets for these archetypes, with a full list of all their abilities, attached as a zipped file at